7 Mile Reopens for Outdoor Dining 2021 - Featured on Balitang Amerika!
After closing for one month to ensure our viability and opening for 1 week for takeout only, we are finally open for outdoor dining.
Unfortunately, the weather has not been cooperating. The storms have dampened business and has made us doubt our decision to reopen but we must charge forward, most especially for our employees who have been banking on work to support their families.
Thank you to our guests who came and supported despite the rains. You are our heroes! This too shall pass!
And thank you to Rommel Conclara and Jeremiah Ysip of ABS-CBN’s Balitang Amerika (News America) for this piece covering our 2021 outdoor dining reopening. Thank you for watching!
Instagram post January 27, 2021
In our desperation, we did a free delivery day instead of using Grubhub or Doordash to attract more business during the rains.