station 3: the bar

AUDIO: The Bar
Narrated by Vanessa Garcia, 7 Mile House

7 Mile House, 2004

turn towards the bar

Notice there are 3 mirrors at the bar? Now look at this old 2004 photo taken right when I was still thinking of buying 7 Mile House. Do you see the two paintings that cover the left and right mirrors? Well, apparently, a painter (and local boxer) named Tommy Egan, had to be commissioned to cover these mirrors because fistfights would erupt when men would bring their ladies to the bar and other men would check them out. When I took over, I removed these paintings which are now in storage, hopefully soon I’ll be able to display them somewere but I don’t really have much wall space so maybe I’ll mount them on the ceiling. What do you think?

Another bar story was one I heard from former bartender, Benny Hernandez, who worked at 7 Mile for 22 years. He said back in the day, people used to toss money towards the back of the bar. No one knew why. Not sure how true but I might be rich and wouldn’t even know it? Maybe I’ll find out one of these days!

Bartender, Benny, and 7 Mile owner of 50 years from 1953-2004, Camille Stuehler

Now turn to the ceiling and look at the structure that looks like an upside down Golden Gate Bridge. Those hanging vertical pillars used to go all the way down the floor but the former owner had to have them retroffitted because the drunks would always bump into them!

Some crazy drunks who love to spend lots of money have definitely graced these walls. Yup, like I said, the walls are talking!

Now lets head over to the post at the left side of the bar to Station 4: The Tattoo

Tour Map