COVID19 Closure - Make This All Worthwhile

If you happen to drive by 7 Mile, we hope you read our heartfelt message because we really mean it and cannot wait until this is over. Our message is a reaction to the new March 31st shelter at home order which was not surprisingly extended to May 3rd. It's been 2 weeks since we closed and we remember reluctantly succumbing to the new normal. Our signs and voicemail still indicate that we would be back open a week from now on April 7th. That was the initial plan. An ambitious one at that. But unsurprisingly, the new rules fell on deaf ears so here we are feeling like we are restarting these efforts all over again like the last 2 weeks never happened.

We know that most people are still working. Jobs unaffected. Savings possibly untouched, maybe even improved because there is nowhere to go and not much to do. Not the case for us. Our industry takes it day by day in hopes that the person behind us at the grocery line stays back 6 feet or those 20-year-olds stop gathering in the parks on a nice sunny day. Stop. Stop being selfish because what we ask is not complicated. We are begging to go back to the work we love: the chaos of the kitchen, the banter behind the bar, the band playing their hearts out, the smiles at the table, the satisfaction we feel after we know you had a good time and our sweetest reward -- to see you back again. But this time around, we hope it will be different. We hope to see you again knowing that we will start living in a more grateful, loving, meaningful, selfless world, vowing that our precious life will never again be taken for granted. --- Vanessa Garcia, and the Seven Mile House Crew

Today’s sobering reality featuring Filipino-owned local businesses like 7 Mile House. Video by Jeremiah Ysip.