Introducing the newest bartender at 7 Mile House: VISA
I am proud to introduce our newest bartender, my mini me, my sidekick, my newly-turned-21-birthday-girl, my first-born and my only daughter, Visa! I can't believe it was time to christen her as "bartender" yesterday after working with me at 7 Mile since she was 14. This girl is absolutely not afraid of work and never complains--whether it was dishwashing, bussing, serving, programming, marketing or peeling potatoes. She has the most amazing work ethic and (uncommon) common sense--2 important traits in this business.
She has seen 7 Mile go through the toughest times, the biggest problems, good times and bad times, triumphs and failures. She has seen me at my worst and at my best. And at the end of each day, I always ask her, "Are you sure you really want to take over 7 Mile House someday?" She still answers with an enthusiastic "Yes!"
I know to most of you what I do looks like it's all fun and games but it takes so much out of me to run this business that I love so much. As a mom, knowing what I've had to go through to get to this point, I really didn't want to subject my daughter through so much burden. But this girl has always stuck with me unafraid of whatever 7 Mile might throw at our family.
So today I not only introduce you to our newest bartender but the future owner of 7 Mile House, my beauty, my pride, Visadora Villacarlos!
—Vanessa Garcia, 7 Mile House owner and proud mama of Visa