Patio Dining: The New Normal at 7 Mile House

We are SUPER excited to announce that starting Sunday, June 7, 2020, we at 7 Mile House will be able to serve you in our patio and extended outdoor dining (yahooooooooo!).


Please understand that we just found out about this news on June 5th so many things will remain the same (for now) such as hours and menu because we need to adjust staffing, inventory, operations, technology, etc. Basically, the whole restaurant was turned upside down when we opened for takeout and now we have to turn it right side up (well, kinda). It is really more complicated than you think so please bear with us.

We have to be very careful opening up to the public not only for health and safety reasons for my staff and for you all but, financially, this remains to be a painful journey. You will notice that some restaurants may decide to only do takeout and not even open up outdoor dining despite the opportunity because we restaurant owners have to examine what is feasible for us to do without breaking the bank.

In short, this opportunity does not guarantee our viability. It is an opportunity to test the waters. Things may change. This may not even work because our expenses might end up to be too high with the very small capacity we may be able to use.

The key here is baby steps. We are super excited about opening up and we hope you are too but we hope you understand that 7 Mile House must be careful embarking on these new opportunities in order for us to stay open for you and for our employees. Thank you for your time and understanding and we hope to see you seated at tables very soon!



7 Mile House Restaurant Rules
in compliance with San Mateo County Health Order No. C19-5F
For more, read here:

Hours of operation (for now): Wednesday-Sunday, 12noon to 8pm (closed Monday & Tuesday)

Menu: Same as takeout for now (see
Sunday brunch will start June 14th. We will bring back other dishes slowly as you open up for inside dining.

Staff: Limited staffing to avoid a drastic increase in labor.
You won’t see ALL your favorite 7 Mile staff yet but you will see SOME!

Specials: We will gradually bring back the specials and will announce it on and on FB/IG


1. Patio and additional outdoor seating only. No indoor dining and no bar seating (yet!).

2. Alcohol to be consumed in the patio only -- not in the new additional outdoor seating (yet!). Application to serve alcohol in the extended areas is pending. We will inform you ASAP once approved!

3. Maximum of 6 people in a group and must be from the same household.

4. Time limits must be imposed to avoid loitering: 1-4 people can stay for 1.5 hours maximum while tables with 5-6 people can stay for 2 hours maximum. Countdown starts after you order. Sorry but the government does not want anyone to “hang out” yet.

5. Each table will be 6 feet apart.

6. No mask. No service. Masks may be off while eating.

7. Reservations HIGHLY recommended and can only made online at Father’s Day is June 21st (hint! hint!) Reserve here:

8. If you are waiting for your table, you must wait in your car until we call or text you.

9. Dogs must remain on a very short leash to ensure 6 feet distance from next table

10. Children must remain at the tables and are not allowed to roam around.

11. Customers must open a tab with a credit card or pay in cash immediately. We report, post pics of dine and dashers!

12. The ordinance specifies that entertainment events are not allowed. We cannot wait until we bring back our awesome bands and the great live music we so miss!

13. Alcohol must be served with food.

14. Nothing but the menu will be initially placed at the table. Everything else will be brought to you upon request.

15. Only outdoor dining is allowed at the moment. Remember that we cannot guarantee 75 degree sunny days all the time but we pray for those everyday. Once you sit and order, you must pay for your order if you change your mind and take your order to go.

16. Cocktails are still ok to take to go.

17. Sanitizers are provided at the entrance of the building.

18. Everything will be sanitized after every use: tables, menus, plates, utensils, condiments, etc.

Vanessa GarciaComment